week 4

Culture is the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. Culture was defined earlier as the symbols, language, beliefs, values, and artifacts that are part of any society. Every culture has symbols that stand for something else that evoke emotions and reactions. Some symbols communicate through nonverbal. Language is the most important type of symbol because a word in one language might mean something different in another language. The differences in languages can make it very difficult to communicate between one another. Language is a crucial part of society's culture. You learn the language from your culture just as you learn to do other basic things such as shaking a hand and hugging. I did some research and found that research was done that looked at preindustrial societies and found that one fourth of them had a written language while the others where about equal portions had no language at all or only pictures were used to communicate.

This Ted Talk is about culture such as values is a big part of our life. It tells us what is important. We look after ourselves and our immediate family because we value them. It also talks about verbal abuse because it shows what aspect of a person is highly valued so that behavior would be too.  Individualistic insults that denies a person a lack of manor. Sexual insults most cultures look down on but individualistic used more sexual insults while others used relational insult.

My cultural experience occurred when I moved to Baltimore, Maryland in middle school and I had never lived in a big city let alone on the east side before. I found out what it felt like to be the minority compared to the majority. It was an eye opening experience for me because I learned a lot about what others grew up knowing and seeing. My views of the world were very different compared to those there because I had never actually seen the world. Living there I learned more about the world and how people behave in other cultures.

One thing I can do to positively do to benefit myself and society would be to go out and explore the world and learn new cultures.
One thing I can negatively do to society would be to ignore others values around me.

One thing society can do to positively benefit me is to be creating new things and try to defeat those deadly diseases.
One thing society can do to negatively affect me would be to ignore my voice and never allow me to have a say in my rights. 

Word Count - 429
