Week 1/ Part 2

There are four different sociological perspectives. The first being, seeing the general from the particular which means not looking closely into the details and just focusing on the big perspective. The second is seeing the strange from the familiar which means branch out and try something new, don't stick to what you're used to. Thirdly seeing personal life choices from the social context which means, "Spiders webs determine their life and everyone has a web" (Crystal 9/4/18). The fourth is seeing the crisis and the marginality which means opening your eyes and realizing the world isn't perfect. Bad stuff does occur and being able to recognize that will make you more sociologically aware. There are also four theoretical perspectives, they are functionalism which means social stability is necessary to have a strong society, and adequate socialization. Second being the conflict theory which is characterized by pervasive inequality based on social class, gender, and other factors. Third being symbolic interactionism in which society construct their roles as they interact. Fourth being the rational choice theory which people act to maximize their advantages in a given situation and to reduce their disadvantages.

Karl Marx laid the system for the social conflict theory. He was concerned with freedom because we are actually strained by what we need. We don't adapt to the natural world and we change it to meet our needs which is called labor. Society is set up so some people are able to have more over others which got his theory rolling.

One thing society can do in a positive way to affect me is no longer having social classes and everyone being economically equal.
One thing society can do in a negative way to affect me is taking away my right to vote. Without my right to vote I would be unable to have a say in my country.

One thing I can do to benefit me and society would be to keep fighting for what I believe in.
One thing I can do to negatively benefit me and society would not voting because without voting you aren't using your right to freedom of speech.

Word count- 358
